Our on-line system has a sample UK/EASA database of exam questions for all PPL and CPL/ATPL courses ! - CAA exams taken at our Wales centre, just click for immediate access below.
Assuming that you have a sufficient grasp of the English
language and you are familiar with the CAA safety leaflet 8E and CAP413, then you should
have no problem with the theory part of the course, more details here:-
Day 1: Theory and Written Test
Evolution of controlled airspace and radio procedures.
Definitions. Abbreviations. Call signs. RT protocol. Types
of services available. Flight plans. Flight information
service. Standard clearances, conditional clearances.
LARS and MATZ (in the UK), Transponder usage. Emergency
procedures. ATIS, Volmet. All students then take the written
Discussion of the FRTOL Practical test followed by individual
practice using a format very similar to the one used in
the actual exam.
Day 2: The Practical Test
The practical test takes about one-two hours, including
debriefing. Only one student can be tested at a time, so
the last student may have to be prepared to finish later
in the day. You will then be issued with a certified CAA
application form for the Radiotelephony Licence, which we send to the
address shown on the form. Finally, the licence will be
mailed to you by the CAA. This course can also be combined with our Second Pilots Safety Course.
Any more just give us a Call or email us to find out more. |